HVERI Newsletter - AUGUST 2024

Building Resilience Together: Celebrating Community Progress and Preparedness


Aloha HVERI community,

Today is our non-profit’s first anniversary! We have been busy over the last month, proudly participating in multiple community events and launching our summer fundraiser. Your support has been invaluable. Our non-profit has made great strides in just one year and is positioned to contribute significantly to disaster preparedness and response moving forward, using technology to create innovative solutions. 

For August, we focus on celebrating one year since we announced our non-profit’s operations and wrapping up our summer fundraiser. We are also excited to share a public online session of our new “Protecting Yourself in a Digital World” online training on August 28, 2024.  

First Anniversary of HVERI

August 3, 2024

August 3rd marks the first anniversary of the Hawaiian Volcano Education and Resilience Institute. Over the past year, we have achieved significant milestones in disaster preparedness, community resilience, and educational outreach. We are immensely grateful for the support from our community, partners, and volunteers. Mahalo everyone! 

Our Milestones:

  • Deployment of the Digital Resilience Program: This ongoing initiative began with social media moderator training for disasters in 2024. The ultimate aim is to create Digital Resilience Hubs that operate as online information hubs during disasters and boost our community's preparedness through social media. We've recently completed our first certifications for Social Media Moderators in Disaster, which provides social media-savvy individuals with the skills to coordinate and share accurate information during disasters.

  • Volcano Educational Content: In our first year, we produced 48 live-streams and over 150 written posts about our volcanoes, which were shared publicly across Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, X, Telegram, and Linkedin. Links to all of our online profiles can be found here: https://hveri.org/follow

  • Launch of the Youth Development Program: Our Youth Development Program empowers individuals aged 13 to 25 with critical thinking, leadership, tech, and communication skills in relation to disaster preparedness and response. Through the University of Hawai’i, Hilo, we completed our nonprofit’s first internship and a two-semester-long project with the university’s computer science department.

  • Hosted AI Training Sessions: Educating partner community organizations and the public about the uses and threats posed by artificial intelligence's explosion in capabilities in recent years.

  • Community Outreach: Conducting numerous educational workshops and seminars to promote disaster awareness and preparedness, such as La ‘Ohana o Pohoiki’ Festival and Revitalize Puna.

  • Funding and Grants: We are thrilled to announce the successful acquisition of vital county-level and state-level grants to bolster our programs and initiatives. Notably, we secured our first grant from the State of Hawai'i, marking a significant milestone in our funding journey. In addition, our newly formed donation drive team, led by the dedicated Lou Ettore, has led the charge on our first and second quarterly donation drives. This marks a new era of growth and community support for our organization.

  • Relaunch of Our Newsletter: We relaunched the Newsletter you’re now reading! 

Summer Fundraiser Progress

And Corporate Partnerships

We are at the end of our summer fundraiser to support our projects at the Hawaiian Volcano Education and Resilience Institute. Our mission is to enhance disaster preparedness, response, and recovery through volcano education, the certification of Digital Resilience Hubs, and the establishment of our Youth Development Program. Your contributions will help us train and certify new Digital Resilience Hubs across Hawai'i Island, expand our educational content and conduct artificial intelligence training events to build community resilience. We are thrilled to share that we have already raised $2,700, bringing us closer to our goal.

With this donation drive, we working on establishing relationships with local businesses and corporations that share our goals of enhancing disaster readiness, response, and recovery through leveraging technology and community collaborations. 

Why become a corporate partner?

  • Community Impact: Your support will directly enhance the safety and resilience of our local communities, particularly those in disaster-prone areas. Investing in youth fosters a generation of informed and proactive citizens prepared to face natural hazards.

  • Visibility and Recognition: As a partner, your business will be prominently featured in our campaign materials, including social media posts, live event mentions, press releases, and newsletters. This exposure highlights your commitment to community welfare and positions your brand as a leader in corporate social responsibility.

  • Tax Benefits: Donations to HVERI are tax-deductible, offering potential financial benefits for your business while supporting a worthy cause. HVERI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit: EIN 88-4235317.

By supporting our mission, you can showcase your commitment to corporate social responsibility.

How do you become a corporate partner?

  • Event Matching Contributions: Elevate your impact and become a corporate partner by matching the total amount raised during our event! Imagine doubling the power of our fundraising efforts, amplifying every dollar raised, and making a monumental difference. This is your chance to showcase your company's commitment to transformative change and unparalleled community support. Don't just participate—dominate the scene with your unmatched generosity and vision. Together, we can make an unforgettable impact! 💥💪

  • Direct Donations: Step up and make an impact with a one-time or recurring donation to our fundraiser! Every dollar propels us closer to our goal and fuels the expansion of our resilience and educational programs. This is more than just a donation; it’s a statement of your company’s commitment to making a difference. Show the island your dedication to positive change and community support. Your contribution will be a game-changer, driving us forward and amplifying our mission. 🚀✨
    Donate now: https://hveri.org/donate

  • Sponsorship: Elevate your brand and make an indelible impact by sponsoring a specific event or activity within our fundraiser! Sponsor a specific event or activity within our fundraiser, such as a live broadcast, educational webinar, or interactive community event. Sponsorship levels can be customized to fit your business needs and desired level of involvement.  🚀🔥

For more information or to set a meeting, email Lou Ettore, lou@hveri.org 

Protecting Yourself In A Digital World

Upcoming AI Training Sessions

Social media emerged over a relatively short period. The speed and continued advancement of technology have created opportunities for bad actors to take advantage of those users less familiar. 

Our new training program, "Protecting Yourself in a Digital World," is designed to equip individuals with essential knowledge to navigate social media, understand emerging trends in artificial intelligence, and implement effective and straightforward strategies to safeguard their online activities.

Topics we will cover include:

  • Social engineering

  • Common online scams  

  • ChatGPT 

  • Deepfakes 

  • AI-generated images

  • And tools like anti-virus, popup blockers, and system configurations.


August 28th, 2024
4:00pm HST
Online over Zoom

How to join:

Fill out the registration form here: https://forms.gle/EXMBq8gJatJdrQer6

Revitalize Puna Event

On Saturday, July 13th, we connected with many of you at Revitalize Puna. The event took place at the Pāhoa District Park Gym, and it was a fantastic opportunity to engage with the Lower Puna community. Organized by the County of Hawai'i, this free community event brought together residents to hear updates about the ongoing recovery and converse with dozens of local nonprofits actively supporting Puna.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and/or contributed to the final Revitalize Puna. We appreciate Revitalize Puna's connection over the past 6 years and what a more long-term community event might follow in its place. 

"The most valuable player in a natural disaster is the community themselves" - Co-Executive Director Dane DuPont

La ‘Ohana o Pohoiki’ Festival

We had a great time attending the La ‘Ohana o Pohoiki Festival on July 20th, a celebration and gathering for the generational ʻohana of Pohoiki and all ʻohana. Organized by Na Maka Haloa and Hua ‘Āina in collaboration with the County of Hawai’i and Kamehameha Schools, the festival featured a culturally enriched range of workshops, performances, and exhibits. Our booth was a huge hit, with a large number of kids participating in our volcano education science experiments. It was inspiring to see the curiosity and excitement on their faces as they learned about volcanic activity and its impact on our community.

Thank You for Your Support

Other Ways to Support Us

Your support is crucial to the success of our programs and initiatives. Here are several ways you can help us continue our mission to improve disaster preparedness, community resilience, and educational outreach:

  • Spread the Word: Follow us on social media, share our posts, and tell your friends and family about our work. Raising awareness is key to building a strong, supportive community network. https://hveri.org/follow

  • Attend Events: Participate in our events and workshops. Your presence not only supports our initiatives but also strengthens community bonds. Announcements are made on our social media profiles linked above.

To get involved or learn more about how you can support HVERI, please visit our website or contact us directly.

Mahalo for your continued support!


After Dark in the Park: The Forest in the Pit Crater - A Tale of Ancient Hawaiʻi


HVO bids farewell to its Uēkahuna location — USGS Volcano Watch